Meat, Fish and Seafood Packaging - Europe
Meat, Fish and Seafood Packaging
Transformational technologies in packaging to keep your protein products fresher, longer.
Transformational technologies in packaging to keep your protein products fresher, longer.
Browse our meat and seafood product range for Europe
Go to Product SearchFresh Meat
Processed Meats
Fish and Seafood
Shelf Stable Meat & Fish
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Popular packaging options for meat and fish
From paper base webs to shrink bags and film
From paper base webs to shrink bags and film
WEBINAR: Inside the mind of the European fish consumer
Watch our webinar, in collaboration with Mintel, to discover what are European consumers preferences regarding fish and seafood and what to do to conquer fish lovers.
Retail packaging that meets consumers expectations
Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability when shopping, and want retailers and brands to help them make more sustainable purchases.
As a major player in the sustainability journey, Amcor understands the shift in consumer habits towards more sustainable purchases and this is where we come in to offer tailored solutions for both retailers and copackers.
Latest Meat, Fish and Seafood Insights
The future of meat packaging
June 21, 2023
Back in early 2020, brands, retailers, and the packaging industry were focused firmly on sustainability. Then as the global pandemic took hold, consumer fears around health and safety grew, leading to a preference for food packaged in containers to avoid contamination and to extend shelf-life. For a period of time, sustainability wasn’t the primary concern.
Now in 2023, inflation is a top topic...
Back in early 2020, brands, retailers, and the packaging industry were focused firmly on sustainability. Then as the global pandemic took hold, consumer fears around health and safety grew, leading to a preference for food packaged in containers to avoid contamination and to extend shelf-life. For a period of time, sustainability wasn’t the primary concern.
Now in 2023, inflation is a top topic...
Senior Marketing Manager Amcor Flexibles
Hook more fish & seafood consumers with the right packaging
May 17, 2023
Modern European consumers look at fish and seafood with a striking ambivalence. The category is associated with a modern and healthy lifestyle, yet at the same time they think of fish and seafood as difficult to cook and they do not want to handle it.
Modern European consumers look at fish and seafood with a striking ambivalence. The category is associated with a modern and healthy lifestyle, yet at the same time they think of fish and seafood as difficult to cook and they do not want to handle it.
Senior Marketing Manager Amcor Flexibles
New recycle-ready forming films for meat, fish & cheese, with 80% carbon footprint reduction
February 8, 2023
A new recycle-ready thermoforming film offers meat and dairy brands excellent packaging performance and improved circularity of packaging.
A new recycle-ready thermoforming film offers meat and dairy brands excellent packaging performance and improved circularity of packaging.
Senior Marketing Manager Amcor Flexibles
RESEARCH: Consumer perceptions of sustainability claims
Our 2023 research reveals how European consumers’ perceptions and expectations of sustainability packaging claims have changed since 2020. Is your packaging aligned with these evolving expectations?
Do you want to know more? Get in touch
Tell us more about your product so we can connect you with the right team for your request.
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