Mental health campaign - thriving

What's next?

National helplines

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services National Helpline
1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Crisis Text Line
Text SIGNS to 741741
Veterans Crisis Line

Informational Videos and Podcasts

what is mindfulness video

What is Mindfulness?

positive self-talk

Positive Self-Talk

mental health and social media video

Mental Health and Social Media

mindfulness for beginners

Mindfulness for Beginners Podcasts

the science of happiness

The Science of Happiness Podcasts

Brief Mindfulness Exercises

Take little moments throughout the day to practice mindfulness

Just sit quietly with your eyes closed

Just sit quietly with your eyes closed

Simply take a moment to contemplate and reflect.

Pause before you speak and act

Pause before you speak and act

Pause to consider what you are going to say before speaking. Take a two- or three-ring pause before picking up the phone to think about your intention.

Be right here, right now

Be right here, right now

Try not to dwell in the past or think about the future.

Practice mindful stretching

Practice mindful stretching

Slowly stretch each part of your body. Be aware of your breathing as you stretch.

Connect with EAP or explore the wellbeing program for more resources

AFNA Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

TELUS Health
English: 888-456-1324
Spanish: 888-732-9020
User ID: amcorflexibles
Password: EAP

ARP Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

TELUS Health
English: 888-456-1324
Spanish: 888-732-9020
US Password: USA
Canada User ID: amcor
Canada Password: eap

ASC Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Hartford Ability Assist Counseling Services, offered by ComPsych
Web ID: HLF902
Company Name: ABILI