Ecommerce Packaging Solutions
Ecommerce Packaging Solutions & Services
Helping businesses big & small meet consumer expectations for convenient, more sustainable and unique packaging that endures the complex ecommerce supply chain.
Helping businesses big & small meet consumer expectations for convenient, more sustainable and unique packaging that endures the complex ecommerce supply chain.
Consumer expectations of packaging are changing
20% of consumer packaged goods will be sold via ecommerce in 2025
54% growth in sales of online food and personal care by 2025
59% of people aged 18 to 29 prefer products without excess packaging
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Packaging for the ecommerce age
Packaging makes all the difference in the ecommerce channel; to consumers, to retailers and especially during transit, where it’s ‘make or break.’
Through innovative materials, novel design, and smart solutions, our ecommerce-ready packaging delivers on customer satisfaction. And we really put this to the test, with our ecommerce research and development labs, which can test to Amazon’s ISTA 6A standards and many other global testing standards.
The Ecommerce Age
Innovate for ecommerce with Catalyst™
From insights to design concepts. From mock-ups to machine trials. And from simulations to sustainability. Working together, we find the ideal way to package your ecommerce products on your lines.
That could be bespoke solutions that give you an edge. Or off-the-shelf options that keep you competitive. Give consumers what they want, and give your business what it needs.
Is your packaging ecommerce ready?
Learn more about Catalyst™ in North America.
Learn more about Catalyst™ in EMEA.
Get your products ecommerce ready

Ecommerce-Ready Packaging
- Switch with confidence to one of our pre-tested ecommerce-ready packs
- Prepare quickly and have confidence in your product arriving safely to your end consumers
Not sure which ecommerce service or solution you need? Let us help.
Which statement best describes where you are in your ecommerce packaging journey? You want to...
Which statement best describes where you are in your ecommerce packaging journey? You want to...
1. Move quickly and get your ecommerce products online
Our Ecommerce-Ready packaging is pre-tested in our Ecommerce labs and is ready for you to make a quick switch with confidence. Learn more about our Ecommerce-Ready packaging
2. Learn how ready your current packaging is for ecommerce
Put your packaging to the test in our physical laboratories to see how it will respond to the ecommerce supply chain. Learn more about our Ecommerce testing labs
3. Optimize a current packaging solution for ecommerce
Digitally simulate the behavior of your pack in the ecommerce channel and identify potential issues to optimize format and performance. Learn more about our Digital Simulation services
4. Switch to a new packaging solution that doesn’t yet exist and needs testing for ecommerce
Digitally simulate the behavior of new pack to identify potential issues. Learn more about our Digital Simulation services
5. Innovate for ecommerce and omnichannel
Delight your consumer with innovative, on-brand solutions and design with your entire supply chain in mind. Learn more about our Ecommerce Innovation services
Find out 7 key insights behind fresh food ecommerce buying behaviors
Our 20-page research report offers insights into the buying behaviors of European consumers when it comes to online grocery shopping, and how packaging can support your ecommerce success
Packaging will determine your ecommerce success
Increasingly complex supply chains, a need to protect products against breakages, pressure to use more sustainable packaging solutions and your brand’s focus on growth and loyalty – ecommerce adds fresh challenges in an already demanding consumer goods market. However, the good news is, your brand’s packaging choices can meet these challenges head on.
The Ecommerce Challenge
Find out why packaging innovation is the key to ecommerce success
Our ebook reveals how packaging can help you overcome ecommerce challenges, minimize costs, and improve the consumer experience. It features recent consumer research and insights from leading packaging experts.
Loyalty and speed to market. Your ecommerce supporting services.
Unique code for traceability, consumer engagement and sustainability applications.
Shorter lead times and smaller runs create new opportunities for promotions, limited editions, market testing and personalised packaging.
Ecommerce Insights
JD Farm and Amcor jointly launch NFC-enabled flexible packaging in China
March 10, 2021
Amcor China has collaborated with JD Farm, to create the next generation of packaging for a more effective and interactive consumer engagement.
Amcor China has collaborated with JD Farm, to create the next generation of packaging for a more effective and interactive consumer engagement.
Business Development Director, Greater China
Amcor, Tencent and BMSmart announce strategic partnership
November 19, 2020
Earlier this month, Amcor China, Tencent, and BMSmart signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement called "Internet of Everything, Packaging for the Future" in Shanghai, China.
Earlier this month, Amcor China, Tencent, and BMSmart signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement called "Internet of Everything, Packaging for the Future" in Shanghai, China.
Four ways to win online shoppers with digitized packaging
July 9, 2020
Ecommerce has come under the spotlight for its soaring sales performance under the extraordinary time consumers have been living through around the world lately.
Ecommerce has come under the spotlight for its soaring sales performance under the extraordinary time consumers have been living through around the world lately.
Dairy Marketing Director