Dollars for Doers | Amcor Flexibles North America


Gift Match & Dollars for Doers

Matching your gift of volunteer time or money with monetary donations.

Gift Match Program

What is gift matching?

What is gift matching?

The gift match program allows AFNA colleagues who make gifts of volunteer time or monetary donations to 501c3 nonprofit organizations and accredited schools, excluding house of worship or politically affiliated organizations, to have those gifts matched by Amcor Cares, up to $2,500 annually per colleague. This doubles the impact for nonprofits and schools to which Amcor colleagues have a connection.

Amcor Cares will match the monetary donations of colleagues and/or make a contribution for time spent volunteering. We match monetary gifts, dollar for dollar, and gifts of time are matched $10 for every hour donated.

How do I access gift matching?

How do I access gift matching?

Once you have donated directly to a non-profit 501(c)(3) or school or volunteered, take the following actions:

  1. Visit the Amcor Gift Match Portal
  2. Use your employee ID number as your username (available in Workday - six digits)

*If you are new to the portal, you must create a password (password does not need to be tied to any Amcor login)

*Make note of your username and password securely so you can reference it in the future

What do I do once I'm logged in?

What do I do once I'm logged in?

  1. Click on Gift Match to get started
  2. Search for the non-profit organization or school you have donated time and/or money to
  3. Select the organization if it appears, if not click Nominate
  4. Complete all required sections - if you donated time, input $10 for every hour worked
  5. Click Save and Proceed
  6. Review your information and then click Submit

The Amcor Cares team will take it from here!

Have your nonprofit apply for a grant!

If you are supporting your local nonprofit or accredited school where Amcor has a facility, have them apply for a grant and list you and other colleagues on the grant application in the allotted field. Amcor supports our colleagues’ passions.

Grants must be filled out by the non-profit or accredited school. Documentation such as banking information, tax ID number and budget will be required in the application. Send this link to the organization to get started:

Please note that the match process can take 4-6 weeks. The process can take longer dependent on the nonprofit or accredited school approving the submitted match.

Is your nonprofit or accredited school having trouble with...

  • A match
  • Updating their information
  • Receiving confirmation emails

Have them reach out to Cybergrants at or call 1-855-824-8504.

Have questions? Contact us!