CDP recognises Amcor for ‘best performance’ across its sustainability programs

General Announcement

November 24, 2017

Amcor’s sustainability leadership continues to be recognised by customers, investors and others, with an award announced by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) on 21 November.


CDP, a not-for-profit organisation that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, states and regions to manage environmental impacts, on Tuesday 21 November awarded Amcor ‘best performance across programs’.

“The CDP award acknowledges Amcor’s effectiveness in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and water use, and protecting the environment across our 200 sites worldwide,” said David Clark, Vice President, Sustainability.

Every Amcor location participates in the company’s global environmental management system, through which Amcor sites set and work to achieve ambitious goals for environmental protection, waste management and community impact.

“In the last cycle, we exceeded our initial EnviroAction goals for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and waste sent to disposal, “ said Clark. “Now we have reset targets for further significant decreases in emissions, waste and water use.”

CDP scores companies based on reported action to address greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions, and reduce impact on forests and water.

Investors and purchasers, including many of Amcor’s largest customers, use CDP data and insights to inform decisions about suppliers and partners.

Amcor’s 2017 CDP Grades

Climate Change: A
Between 2006 and 2016, Amcor reduced GHG emissions intensity by 31.2 percent. Only 18 percent of companies achieved at least an A-grade and only 15 percent in Amcor’s industry segment.

Water: B
CDP recognised Amcor’s commitment to measuring and reducing water use, demonstrated by the water management plans in place at every site, worldwide. Additionally, CDP praised Amcor Flexibles Asia Pacific for reducing water use intensity by 39 percent between 2011 and 2016.

Forest: B
Amcor requires suppliers, including paper and board suppliers, to manage operations in an environmentally responsible manner, in compliance with related laws and regulations. In FY16, seven key paper suppliers (73 percent of paper suppliers by spend) and four key board suppliers (81 percent of board suppliers by spend) were risk assessed using EcoVadis, a platform that allows Amcor to evaluate its supply chain with a portion of the assessments focused on sustainability risks and opportunities.

CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, has built a comprehensive collection of self-reported environmental data. Its network of investors and purchasers, representing over $100 trillion in assets, along with policy makers around the globe, use CDP data and insights to make better-informed decisions.

In addition to the CDP Climate Disclosure Leadership Index, Amcor is in the FTSE4Good responsible investment index, is classed as a ‘leading company’ by the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, is in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, the MSCI Global Sustainability Index series, and the Ethibel Excellence Investment Register.

Discover more about Amcor’s sustainability leadership.


Amcor received an A- for climate change, B for water, and B for forests (timber). The winners of these awards were selected from the companies based or listed in Australia and New Zealand who responded to one or more CDP questionnaires.Read CDP’s 2017 report here.

About Amcor

Amcor (ASX: AMC; is a global leader in developing and producing high-quality, responsible packaging for a variety of food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical-device, home- and personal-care and other products. Amcor works with leading companies around the world to protect their products and the people who rely on them, differentiate brands, and improve supply chains, through a broad range of flexible packaging, containers, cartons, closures and services. The company’s 35,000 people generate more than US$9 billion in sales from operations that span 200-plus locations in more than 40 countries.