The benefits of recyclable PVDC-free shrink bags: Why you should choose Eco-Tite® R


December 7, 2020

Reading time: 1 minutes

Related regions: EMEA

Launching in Europe, discover the benefits of Eco-Tite® R, the first in market recyclable PVDC-free shrink bags for fresh meat, processed meat, poultry and some cheeses.

Eco-Tite R benefits

Launching in Europe, Amcor Eco-Tite® R is designed to maximise shelf-life, maintain food safety, reduce food waste and can be recycled in existing polyethylene (PE) plastic recycling streams. This means that more consumers will be able to recycle their meat, poultry and cheese packaging, while enjoying the benefits of longer lasting food.

Amcor PVDC free shrink bags

Learn more about the European launch of Eco-Tite R, the first designed to be recycled, PVDC-free shrink bag for fresh and processed meat, poultry and some cheeses.

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Rosalia Rosalinova

Senior Marketing Manager Amcor Flexibles

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