Amcor Corporate Ethics and Feedback

Corporate Ethics

Amcor recognises the importance of honesty, integrity and fairness in conducting its business, and is committed to increasing shareholder value in conjunction with fulfilling its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. All Directors, managers and co workers are expected to act with the utmost integrity and objectivity, striving at all times to enhance the reputation and performance of the Company.

Amcor believes that it is not only required to abide by the national laws in each country in which it operates, but that it must also conduct its business in accordance with internationally accepted practices and procedures.

These core principles, which the Board and senior management of Amcor are committed to upholding, are enshrined in Amcor’s values and encapsulated in Amcor’s Corporate Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy, which is available in the Corporate Governance section of the Company’s website. Copies of Amcor’s key corporate governance policies or summaries are also available in the Corporate Governance section of Amcor’s website.

Feedback & Complaints

Amcor is committed to the highest level of ethical practices and honest relationships and encourages good faith reporting of any wrongdoing in an environment free from victimisation.

To help facilitate this, an independant Whistleblower Service has been established to enable co-workers and third parties; such as suppliers, consumers, contractors and customers, to report potential misconduct within the organisation.

If you are aware of any potential misconduct within Amcor please visit:

As this facility is for complaints only, any curriculum vitaes, marketing or advertising material received will be ignored.