Corporate Governance Policies and Standards at Amcor

Good corporate governance and transparency are fundamental to achieving our vision of becoming the premier packaging solutions provider in every market in which we operate.

We strive for excellence in our products and in the way we do business throughout all our global operations and this process commences within Amcor, the parent company; its Board of Directors; the senior management team and all our employees, regardless of location.

At all times, we strive to achieve the highest standards and we promote this rigorously throughout the group. This applies equally to transparency in reporting and meeting the expectations of regulators, shareholders and the public — regardless of whether this relates to accounting procedures; our manufacturing and product standards; ethics in all our dealings with customers, co-workers and the public; or behaving in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Accounting Complaints Policy

Policy and procedures for complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters.

Audit Committee Charter

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

This policy sets out Amcor’s approach to bribery and corruption, provides information and guidance on recognising and dealing with bribery and corruption issues and outlines the steps Amcor takes to implement and monitor bribery and corruption risks.

Biodiversity and Fiber Sourcing Policy

Amcor policy focused on responsible sourcing of materials to ensure minimal disturbance to natural habitats and protect biodiversity.

Certificados Amcor Flexibles Brasil

Certificados ISO AF Brasil

Code of Conduct

Amcor’s code of conduct is available in 23 languages in addition to English. For translations, please email

Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Employees

Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Employees.

Compensation Committee Charter

Details the operations and responsibilities of the Compensation Committee.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

Corporate Governance Guidelines.

Data Privacy Consent Statement

Data Privacy Consent Statement (multilingual).

Delegated Authority Policy Summary

This policy statement identifies the approval requirements of the Board of Directors of Amcor and the delegations of authority from the board to senior executives of the company and its subsidiaries.

Environment Policy

Amcor policy on managing operations in an environmentally responsible way.

Executive Committee Charter

Details of Executive Committee operations.

Fraud Policy

Amcor policy outlining the position of the Amcor group with regards to fraud.

German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act - LkSG

Supplier training materials in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of Amcor Plc..

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements FY 2024

The Modern Slavery Statement is made in accordance with section 54 of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 and section 14 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

The Canadian Report is made in accordance with the Canadian Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act effective January 1, 2024.

Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter

Amcor Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter.

Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Amcor's occupational health and safety policy is designed to ensure work is carried out or supervised in a safe and injury-free manner.

Política Integrada

Qualidade, Meio Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança

Privacy Policy

Amcor privacy policy sets out the policies on the management of personal information - how it is collected, the purpose of its collection and who the information will be disclosed to.

Product Leadership and Innovation Policy

Amcor policy on being at the forefront of product leadership and innovation.

Regulation FD Disclosure Policy

Amcor policy on information disclose to the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and the foreign exempt listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”).

Risk Management Framework Summary

A summary of Amcor’s Risk Management Framework.

Amcor Supplier Codes of Conduct

Amcor Supplier Codes of Conduct.

Sustainability Policy

The Amcor Sustainability Policy was developed in accordance with Amcor’s Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy.

UK Gender Pay Narrative

We have published this narrative in accordance with the United Kingdom's Gender Pay Gap Reporting regulations. Updated April, 2023.

UK Pension Plans – Statement of Investment Principles & Implementation Statement

The Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) details the policies that control how a pension plan invests its assets.

The SIP sets out the principles governing how decisions about investments are made and has been prepared in accordance with all relevant legislation and best-practice guidelines. It will be reviewed by the Trustee at least every three years or after any significant change in the investment approach.

On June 6, 2019, the UK Government published the Occupational Pension Schemes (Investment and Disclosures) (Amendment) Regulations (the “Regulations”). The Regulations require that for each Plan year end accounting cycle the Trustee outlines how it has ensured compliance with the policies and objectives set out in their SIP over the course of the year. This information is contained in an annual “Implementation Statement”.

We have published below the current SIP and Implementation Statement for the Amcor UK Pension Plan and the Bemis Swansea Limited Pension Plan.

UK Tax Policy

This policy describes Amcor’s approach to tax risk management in accordance with the UK Finance Act 2016.

Whistleblower Policy

Amcor company policy on protection for and response to whistleblowers.